Bayleys Real Estate Ltd
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Why choose us?

Welcome to Bayleys Whangamata's dedicated holiday rental department.

Whether you are looking for a basic holiday bach or a large, high spec holiday home to rent in the popular destination of Whangamata, we have something to fit everyone.

If you are considering letting your property in Whangamata, we have award winning property managers who takes great pride in offering the highest level of service including applicant screening, reporting on and arranging any maintenance required on your beach home through to meeting tenants when they arrive to collect the keys, to ensure your property is well looked after throughout the rental.

Relaxed and unspoiled, Whangamata is one of New Zealand's most loved destinations, just one and a half hours drive from Auckland, but a world away from the hustle and bustle. Whangamata is the home of the annual Beach Hop festival which draws tens of thousands to the area, plus the many Christmas & long weekend holidayers throughout the year.

Let Bayleys holiday rentals team find the holiday home that ticks all the boxes for you.
